No.10 October, 2023 |
Under Secretary for Health attended medical conference and visited primary healthcare organisations in New Zealand
The Under Secretary for Health, Dr Libby Lee, enlightened participants of the annual Royal Australasian College of Medical Administrators (RACMA) Conference in Auckland on 13 October about the progress of Hong Kong’s efforts in reforming the primary healthcare system. She also introduced the various measures rolled out since the release of the Primary Healthcare Blueprint last December, including the establishment of a primary healthcare system at the district level, promotion of the family doctor concept, as well as the enhancement to the Electronic Health Record Sharing System.
Accompanied by the Director of HKETO Sydney, Miss Trista Lim, the Commissioner for Primary Healthcare, Dr Pang Fei-chau, and Assistant Commissioner for Primary Healthcare, Dr Tony Ha, Dr Lee also visited a Primary Health Organisation (PHO) and two general practice clinics in Auckland to gain a better understanding of their approach of engaging non-profit organisations and private healthcare organisations in co-ordinating or providing primary healthcare services under government subsidy. They met with representatives from the Health New Zealand, the Auckland PHO, the East Health Trust PHO and ProCare, which is a leading healthcare provider, to have in-depth exchanges. In addition, the party toured teaching clinics of the University of Auckland to explore New Zealand’s work in nurturing primary healthcare talent. The visits provided a chance for a comprehensive understanding of New Zealand’s experiences which are valuable to Hong Kong in accomplishing the city’s primary healthcare development in a refined manner.
More details here. |
Office for Attracting Strategic Enterprises holds Launching Ceremony
The Office for Attracting Strategic Enterprises (OASES) held the Launching Ceremony of OASES Partnership on 4 October. At a ceremony witnessed by the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), Mr John Lee, and the Financial Secretary, Mr Paul Chan, OASES signed an agreement with the first batch of strategic enterprises setting up or expanding their businesses in Hong Kong. 20 Mainland and overseas enterprises became the first batch of strategic enterprise partners, coming from such strategic industries as life and health technology, artificial intelligence and data science, financial technology, and advanced manufacturing and new-energy technology. These strategic enterprise partners, together with the HKSAR Government, will press ahead with the development of the innovation and technology (I&T) ecosystem of Hong Kong. OASES will provide one-stop services to these enterprises and follow up on their development situation in Hong Kong and their specific needs. In the coming few years, the strategic enterprises attracted will invest a total of more than HK$30 billion in Hong Kong and create about 10 000 jobs, the majority of which are scientific research and management positions.
More details here. |
Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation
The Chief Executive of the HKSAR, Mr John Lee, led a high-level 70-strong delegation to proactively participate in the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in Beijing. They joined the CEO Conference on 17 October which was attended by over 1 200 government and business leaders, and eminent representatives from the business, trade and professional sectors from Belt and Road countries and regions to share their insights on contributing to the high-quality development of the Belt and Road in achieving common development and prosperity. Speaking at the Conference, Mr Lee said that the number of regional headquarters set up in Hong Kong by Belt and Road counterparts between 2017 and 2022 had doubled from 83 to 168. Hong Kong’s direct investment in Belt and Road countries up to 2021 had also increased by 70 per cent, from US$70 billion to US$120 billion. These figures eminently reflect the immense growth potential of the Belt and Road countries, as well as the role of Hong Kong as a participant, facilitator and beneficiary of the Belt and Road Initiative. The HKSAR Government will continue to proactively integrate into the overall development of the country and live out the Silk Road’s spirit of “win-win co-operation” by working hand in hand with Belt and Road countries and enterprises to pursue development and share the fruits of success.
More details here. |
Hong Kong, China delegation triumphant return to 19th Asian Games Hangzhou
The Hong Kong, China Delegation sent a total of 680 athletes to the 19th Asian Games Hangzhou (Asian Games) held in Hangzhou between 23 September and 8 October, whose remarkable achievements in winning a total of 53 medals, namely eight golds, 16 silvers and 29 bronzes, a record-breaking total attained by Hong Kong athletes in the Asian Games. Speaking at a welcome home reception, the Chief Executive of the HKSAR, Mr John Lee, said that the outstanding performance is the outcome of athletes’ efforts, and at the same time, reflecting that the Government is on the right track in allocating resources for sports development. The Government’s estimated expenditure on sports development in 2023-24 is around HK$7.4 billion, representing an increase of about 40 per cent as compared to five years ago and the focus on promotion is in five aspects, namely to promote sports in the community, support elite sports, promote Hong Kong as a centre for major international sports events, professionalism in the sports sector and development of sports as an industry.
More details here. |
Three Hong Kong movies screened across Australia in the 2023 Golden Koala Chinese Film Festival
HKETO participated in the 2023 Golden Koala Chinese Film Festival from 29 October to 8 November, presenting three Hong Kong movies, namely “Back Home”, “Over My Dead Body” and “Vital Sign”, in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Perth in the Hong Kong Screening Week. Addressing the guests at the Hong Kong Screening Week reception in Melbourne on 29 October, the Director of HKETO Sydney, Miss Trista Lim, said that Hong Kong has always been a fertile ground for cultural and creative industries and the Government is determined to realise the positioning of Hong Kong as an East-meets-West centre for international cultural exchange as supported under the 14th Five‑Year Plan. Miss Lim highlighted the initiatives announced in the Chief Executive’s 2023 Policy Address on promoting filming and creative industries, notably the injection of HK$4.3 billion to the Film Development Fund and the CreateSmart Initiative, and the launch of the Filming Financing Scheme for Mainland Market and the Hong Kong-Europe-Asian Film Collaboration Funding Scheme. |
Director of HKETO Sydney attended the Business Awards Gala Dinner organised by the South Australia Chapter of the Hong Kong Australia Business Association
The Director of HKETO Sydney, Miss Trista Lim, attended the Business Awards Gala Dinner organised by the South Australia (SA) Chapter of the Hong Kong Australia Business Association (HKABA) on 27 October. Miss Lim pointed out that Hong Kong and SA have close and ever-growing trade ties. Miss Lim shared that the OASES has reached out to over 200 strategic enterprises since its establishment late last year, of which 30 are planning to establish their foothold or expand their operations in Hong Kong. Miss Lim also highlighted the initiatives announced in the Chief Executive’s 2023 Policy Address on attracting enterprises and talents, notably developing “headquarters economy” to attract enterprises from around the world to set up headquarters or corporate divisions in Hong Kong. |
Director of HKETO Sydney attended the Business Awards Gala Dinner organised by the Western Australia Chapter of the HKABA
The Director of HKETO Sydney, Miss Trista Lim, attended the Business Awards Gala Dinner organised by the Western Australia Chapter of the HKABA on 25 October. Miss Lim shared with the participants the positive results generated by the measures launched last year to attract enterprises, investment and talents, highlighting that on the trawl for talents, about 160 000 applications, among which over 100 000 have been approved and around 60 000 talents have already arrived at Hong Kong. Miss Lim also introduced the proactive measures announced in the Chief Executive’s 2023 Policy Address to trawl for and retain talents, notably the establishment of the physical office of the Hong Kong Talent Engage and the expansion of the coverage of universities under the Top Talent Pass Scheme (TTPS).
Director of HKETO Sydney attended the Business Awards Gala Dinner organised by the Queensland Chapter of the HKABA
The Director of HKETO Sydney, Miss Trista Lim, attended the Business Awards Gala Dinner organised by the Queensland Chapter of the HKABA on 21 October. Addressing over 250 guests, Miss Lim shared that premised on the “one country, two systems” arrangement, Hong Kong is the best gateway and springboard to the Greater Bay Area (GBA) and Mainland market, and is a place where opportunities and the future lie with its unlimited offerings. Miss Lim highlighted the overwhelming responses to the TTPS and various upgraded talent schemes, as well as the work of the OASES. Citing the highlights of the “Night Vibes Hong Kong” campaign and the mega events to be held in Hong Kong in the coming months, Miss Lim encouraged participants to visit the Asia’s World City and explore the unlimited opportunities there. |
Hong Kong Dragon shone in 2023 OzAsia Festival
HKETO has again participated in the OzAsia Festival organised by the Adelaide Festival Centre (AFC) this year to promote the latest developments of the arts and cultural scene in Hong Kong. The signature 40-metre-long Hong Kong Dragon was presented at one of the highlight events of the Festival, the Moon Lantern Trail, to showcase the vibrancy of Hong Kong as an East-meets-West centre for international cultural exchange to audiences in Australia.
Speaking at a reception of the Moon Lantern Trail on 21 October, the Deputy Director of HKETO Sydney, Mr Henry Mak, commended the work of the AFC as it celebrates its 50th anniversary and the strong relationship between the HKETO and the OzAsia Festival. He also took the chance to introduce the world-class cultural facilities of Hong Kong, notably the West Kowloon Cultural District, as well as various talent admission initiatives to attract top-notch talent from the arts and culture sector and creative industries.
The OzAsia Festival this year also welcomed the Hong Kong performing arts group TS Crew staging a “No Dragon No Lion” performance, which married elements of the lion dance and Chinese opera with beatboxing, martial arts, tricking, and parkour. |
Director of HKETO Sydney attended the closing ceremony of Innovation and Technology Show organised by the Queensland Chapter of the HKABA
The Director of HKETO Sydney, Miss Trista Lim, attended the closing ceremony of the inaugural Innovation and Technology Show organised by the Queensland Chapter of the HKABA on 20 October. Miss Lim shared with the participants that promoting I&T is a top priority for the HKSAR Government, highlighting the setting up of a number of I&T venture funds to significantly broaden fundraising channels for start-ups, as well as the Strategic Tech Fund worth about A$1 billion to support Hong Kong tech companies while attracting foreign start-ups. Miss Lim said that Hong Kong will play a pivotal role in realising the ambition for the GBA to rise as a world-class I&T hub, and that the Hong Kong-Shenzhen I&T Park, now under development, will become Hong Kong’s largest I&T centre and serve as the bridgehead for I&T co-operation between Hong Kong and Shenzhen.
Deputy Director of HKETO Sydney promoted Hong Kong at UNSW Global Business Practicum Hong Kong Programme
The Deputy Director of HKETO Sydney, Mr Henry Mak, presented as a guest speaker at the University of New South Wales Global Business Practicum Hong Kong Programme on 18 October. Mr Mak gave an overview of Hong Kong’s current economic landscape and job market, as well as the city’s unique advantages as a world-leading international financial centre, including a simple and low tax system, an internationally aligned regulatory regime, extensive connectivity and vibrant lifestyle. Mr Mak also introduced the immense opportunities in Hong Kong and the GBA, as well as various proactive initiatives rolled out by the Government to attract talents to Hong Kong. |
Director of HKETO Sydney visited Hong Kong Artists Chocolate Rain and Frog King’s exhibition
The Director of HKETO Sydney, Miss Trista Lim, attended the opening of The Artistic Fusion@Broadway in Sydney on 16 October, where internationally renowned Hong Kong artists Chocolate Rain (Prudence Mak) and Frog King (Kwok Man Ho) embarked on their first ever collaboration, featuring over 50 artworks and 3D creations. Miss Lim also visited Chocolate Rain at The Other Art Fair in Sydney on 13 October to show her support, where 130 independent artists hand-picked by a selection committee of art world experts showcased their unique collections. Miss Lim welcomed Chocolate Rain to Sydney and was glad to see Hong Kong artists showcasing their talents and artworks to local people in Australia. The Government has been striving to support artists and arts groups to feature their artworks or performances overseas with a view to promoting Hong Kong as an East-meets-West centre for international cultural exchange. |
Director of HKETO Sydney attended the Business Awards Gala Dinner organised by the New South Wales Chapter of the HKABA
The Director of HKETO Sydney, Miss Trista Lim, attended the Business Awards Gala Dinner organised by the New South Wales Chapter of the HKABA on 13 October. Addressing over 350 guests, Miss Lim said that Hong Kong is the best gateway and springboard to the GBA and Mainland market. The 14th Five-Year Plan has also given Hong Kong distinct development directions into eight international or regional centres, in areas including finance, trading, aviation, and I&T. She also highlighted the overwhelming response of the TTPS and various upgraded talent admission schemes with over 160 000 applications received globally and over 100 000 of them approved.
Addressing the Gala Dinner virtually, the Deputy Director-General of the OASES, Mr Raymond Fan, shared that OASES reflects what the HKSAR Government believes the companies from around the world can count on: an evergreen and innovative economy, and a productive and engaging community. He added that the “one country, two systems” principle ensures Hong Kong’s continuing status as an international economic, trade and financial centre, and its enviable ability to grasp the boundless prospects of the country’s rapid development. The Government has set up a Co-Investment Fund of about A$6 billion to co-invest in strategic enterprises. OASES has just signed an agreement with the first batch of strategic enterprises setting up or expanding their businesses in Hong Kong, with around 30 strategic enterprises to be OASES’ partners who will jointly promote the development of the I&T ecosystem of Hong Kong. |
Business of Design Week (Hong Kong)
Business of Design Week (BODW) is Asia’s premier annual event on design, innovation and brands since 2002. To be held from 27 November to 2 December this year, BODW gathers some of the world’s foremost design masters, brand leaders and entrepreneurs from Hong Kong as well as overseas, driving discourse on the value of design and innovation to inspire global audiences and explore new business opportunities.
More details here. |
Entrepreneur Day (Hong Kong)
Entrepreneur Day (E-Day) is the anchor start-up event of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council, promoting entrepreneurship with a wealth of opportunities and supporting services tailor-made for start-ups. To be held from 7 to 8 December, the E-Day this year will be held under the theme of “Building Resilience · Boosting Collaboration” to engage participants all over the world. A series of seminars, workshops, start-up pitching, exhibition, business matching meetings and networking events will be organised to explore the development of international start-up ecosystem after the start-up boom. Latest technology trends and market insights will be offered to facilitate start-ups to tap into global markets, especially GBA and member regions of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement, and seek business partners.
More details here. |