No.5  May, 2023  
Hospital Authority Recruitment Day
  HA Recruitment Day  
  The Hospital Authority (HA) from Hong Kong is going to organise a recruitment day in Sydney on 3 June to invite more doctors trained outside Hong Kong to join HA and promote the latest pathway and registration arrangement.  The recruitment day will be held from 9:45 am to 5:00 pm at Rooms 5 & 6, Level 1, Hilton Sydney (488 George Street, Sydney, NSW 2000).

HA will host the recruitment day in hybrid format.  In case you cannot join the recruitment day in person, you are more than welcome to participate virtually to find out more about the exciting opportunities in Hong Kong.

Please register here to join.
Latest from Hong Kong
World of Winners flight ticket offers: Australia and New Zealand
To complement the “Hello Hong Kong” global promotional campaign, the Airport Authority Hong Kong launched the “World of Winners” Tickets Giveaway Campaign to welcome people from around the world to come and experience the hospitality of Hong Kong in person.  A total of 6 020 Adult Economy Class round-trip tickets from Sydney, Melbourne, Perth or Brisbane to Hong Kong, and 460 tickets from Auckland to Hong Kong, will be available from 29 May (12:00 pm AEST for Australia tickets and 6:00 pm NZST for New Zealand tickets).  Tickets will be available on a first-come-first-served basis.  All taxes and surcharges apply and are at the cost of the traveller.

For more information, please visit the “World of Winners” campaign website.
Government announces expanded Talent List to attract more high-quality talent
The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government announced on 16 May the expanded Talent List that increases the coverage from 13 professions to 51 and that immediately applies to the Quality Migrant Admission Scheme (QMAS), the General Employment Policy (GEP) and the Admission Scheme for Mainland Talents and Professionals (ASMTP), with a view to attracting more high-quality talent to come and meeting Hong Kong’s development needs.  The updated List comprises 51 professions under nine industry segments, namely business support; creative industries, arts and culture, performing arts; development and construction; environmental technology services; financial services; healthcare services; innovation and technology (I&T); legal and dispute resolution services; and maritime services.

Under the QMAS, eligible applicants who meet the requirements of respective professions on the List will be awarded 30 bonus points under the General Points Test to stand a much better chance of approval.  Employers recruiting talent under the GEP and the ASMTP to fill vacancies falling under the professions on the List are not required to provide proof to substantiate their difficulties in local recruitment when making applications, thus shortening the time for employers to recruit outside talent.

The updated List, detailed specifications of individual professions and the guidance note for applying under the admission schemes can be found on the dedicated website and the online platform of Hong Kong Talent Engage.  Those who are interested in submitting applications for the admission schemes can visit the electronic application platform of the Immigration Department and submit their online applications directly.

More details here.
Official launch of Northbound Trading of Swap Connect
Northbound Trading of Swap Connect was officially launched on 15 May, which provides a convenient and secure channel for international investors to trade interest rate swap products in the Mainland via a connection between infrastructure institutions in Hong Kong and the Mainland.  The scheme aims to facilitate global investors’ management of interest rate risks arising from their allocation to Mainland bonds.  The Hong Kong Monetary Authority will closely monitor the implementation of the Northbound Trading of Swap Connect together with relevant Hong Kong and Mainland regulators, and enhance operational arrangements in accordance with market development and investor needs.

More details here.
IMF highly commends HKSAR Government’s efforts to boost economic growth and safeguard financial stability
Following the completion of the 2023 Article IV Consultation with the HKSAR, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Article IV Mission published a Concluding Statement on its assessment on 5 May, commending the HKSAR Government’s efforts to boost economic growth and safeguard financial stability.  The Mission considered that Hong Kong’s financial system remains resilient, and Hong Kong continues to play its role as an international financial centre under the challenging global macro-financial environment.  The resilient financial system is premised on Hong Kong’s strong institutional frameworks, in particular the high-quality financial sector oversight, substantial capital and liquidity buffers, and the well-functioning Linked Exchange Rate System.  As economic activity normalises, Hong Kong’s economy is recovering strongly.

The Financial Secretary, Mr Paul Chan, welcomed the Mission’s highly positive assessment of Hong Kong.  “The Mission fully recognises that Hong Kong's economy is demonstrating momentum for a strong recovery, and commends that the HKSAR Government's fiscal policy has robustly led Hong Kong in navigating through the economic challenges in the past few years,” Mr Chan said.

More details here.
Government announces proposals on improving governance at district level
The HKSAR Government announced the proposals on improving governance at the district level on 2 May to enhance the efficacy of district governance.  The proposals on improving governance at the district level consist of two major parts, namely reforming the District Councils (DCs) and strengthening the district governance structure, and are guided by three principles:
  1. National security must be put as the topmost priority and the “one country, two systems” principle must be fully and faithfully implemented;
  2. The principle of “patriots administering Hong Kong” must be fully implemented; and
  3. Executive-led governance must be manifested.
The HKSAR Government targets to complete the legislative amendments before the summer recess of the Legislative Council this year so that the DC election can be held at the end of this year.

More details here and on the Home Affairs Department’s website.
HKETO events
  Director of HKETO Sydney attended the cocktail reception of the “140 for 140” Global Recruitment Campaign organised by the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine of the University of Hong Kong
The Director of HKETO Sydney, Miss Trista Lim, attended the cocktail reception of the “140 for 140” Global Recruitment Campaign and Alumni Reunions in Sydney organised by the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine of the University of Hong Kong on 4 May.  Miss Lim shared with the participants the proactive initiatives and schemes to attract the best talents to Hong Kong, notably the rolling out of the Top Talent Pass Scheme (TTPS) and the launch of the online platform of the Talents Service Unit.  She added that Hong Kong is well-positioned to be a regional education and training hub with top-notch universities and institutes.  The Government is committed to supporting academic research in the higher education sector through various funding schemes, including the recurrent funding by the University Grants Committee to universities for research projects and activities and the Research Endowment Fund.
  Director of HKETO Sydney attended the Business Awards 2023 organised by the National Chapter of the Hong Kong Australia Business Association
The Director of HKETO Sydney, Miss Trista Lim, attended the Business Awards 2023 organised by the National Chapter of the Hong Kong Australia Business Association (HKABA) on 5 May.  Miss Lim shared with participants that Hong Kong’s business environment is resilient as ever and its unique advantages have underpinned a rapid rebound of the economy.  She added that as the only city where global and China advantages converge, Hong Kong is the ideal base for Mainland enterprises to develop the global outreach and a launch pad for foreign companies to access the Mainland market.  She also highlighted the thriving start-up and fintech ecosystem in Hong Kong, as well as the proactive initiatives of the Government to attract top-notch enterprises and talents.
  Acting Director of HKETO Sydney attended the networking event jointly organised by HKETO and the Hang Seng University of Hong Kong
HKETO Sydney and the Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (HSUHK) jointly organised a networking event in Sydney on 11 May.  The Acting Director of HKETO Sydney, Mr Henry Mak, welcomed Dr Tom Fong, Vice-President (Organisational Development) of HSUHK, to Australia to promote global internship opportunities for HSUHK’s students.  Mr Mak highlighted in his speech the strong people-to-people links between Hong Kong and Australia, and the significance of global internship opportunities in broadening students’ horizons and fostering closer exchange between young talents in the two places.  He also shared with participants the latest developments in Hong Kong, as well as the TTPS and various talent admission schemes of the Government.
  Acting Director of HKETO Sydney attended the “Discover New Business Opportunities” Young Professional Career and Networking Event
The Acting Director of HKETO Sydney, Mr Henry Mak, virtually attended the “Discover New Business Opportunities” Young Professional Career and Networking Event organised by the Victoria Chapter of the HKABA on 12 May.  Mr Mak said that Hong Kong is embracing a world of new opportunities as it returns to the centre stage in the global arena with its seamless connections to the Mainland and the world.  He highlighted the strong backing of the Central Government and its national strategies, as well as the Government’s efforts in promoting the development of I&T and fostering a vibrant fintech ecosystem in Hong Kong, including the determination to develop and capitalise on the opportunities of Web3.0.  Mr Mak also introduced to the participants the TTPS as well as other upgraded talent admission schemes to encourage them to come to Hong Kong for an exciting venture.
  Deputy Director of HKETO Sydney attended the Hong Kong Culture Exchange - YPA Mentoring and Career Development Event
The Deputy Director of HKETO Sydney, Mr Henry Mak, attended the Hong Kong Culture Exchange - YPA Mentoring and Career Development Event jointly organised by the New South Wales Chapter of the HKABA and the Hong Kong Students Association of University of New South Wales on 25 May.  Mr Mak said that Hong Kong is rapidly developing as an East-meets-West centre for international cultural exchange, housing world-class museums such as the M+ Museum and the Hong Kong Palace Museum.  He then shared with students the proactive initiatives of the Government to attract the talents to Hong Kong, notably the TTPS and the expanded Talent List.  He also introduced the “Hello Hong Kong” campaign and the exclusive air tickets offer for the Australian market.
Upcoming events
  International Arts Carnival 2023 (Hong Kong and online)
To be held from 14 July to 13 August, top-notch artists from Hong Kong and abroad will present an array of performances covering dance, music, theatre and acrobatics all interjected with interactive, art-tech and multimedia elements to delight, excite and inspire children and families.

More details here.
  Hong Kong Sports and Leisure Expo (Hong Kong)
To be held from 19 to 25 July at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, the Hong Kong Sports and Leisure Expo presents a variety of sports and leisure brands, products and experiences, along with a number of free trials for visitors to enjoy, providing a new shopping and leisure experience and a fun summer activity for all ages.

More details here.
  Hong Kong International Tea Fair (Hong Kong and online)
To be held from 17 to 26 August at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, the Hong Kong International Tea Fair is Asia’s premier marketplace for the tea industry, showcasing a variety of high-quality specialty teas and delicate teaware.

More details here.
  Tender notifications  
Hong Kong A World of Opportunities
Together, We fight the virus
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